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Major Accident Prevention Risk Communication Effectiveness: A Survey in the Czech Republic

Jakub Řeháček, Jakub Dlabka, Barbora Baudišová, Pavel Danihelka
Transactions of the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Safety Engineering Series
2014, Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 18-25
Doi: 10.2478/tvsbses-2014-0007
An effective communication among authorities, citizens and industry is crucial to ensure good awareness of risk and knowledge of adequate reactions in preparedness to major industrial accidents. The present risk communication system in Czech Republic was evaluated by a nationwide survey. The main research was focused on the level of knowledge about risks and appropriate reactions to an accident and on the attitudes towards existing risk communication system. The results of survey indicate that the current system is insufficient and has to be improved to fulfil the requirements of the new Seveso III directive (2012/18/EU) and to secure safety of the citizens.
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