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Stakeholders Engagement in the Disaster Recovery Phase as a Means of Increasing Resilience Community

Eliška Polcarová, Jana Pupíková
Transactions of the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Safety Engineering Series
2020, Volume 15, Issue 1, Pages 73-80
Doi: 10.35182/tses-2020-0008
This article focuses on the role of stakeholders in ensuring the protection of the community, on the evaluation of their goals and tasks in the phase of disaster recovery. It introduces the issue of community resilience and its connection with disaster management. It describes the life cycle of disaster management, its individual phases, and processes to reduce risks and ensure sustainable development. Subsequently, a detailed analysis of stakeholders is played, who plays a crucial role in disaster management in the reconstruction phase, both at the national and local levels, in the public and private sectors and within communities.
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