Calculation of Fire Resistance of Reinforced Concrete Column by the Zone Method
Lidija Milošević,
Dušica Pešić
Transactions of the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Safety Engineering Series |
2011, Volume 6, Issue 2, Pages 6-10
Doi: 10.35182/tses-2011-0011
This paper describes the calculation of the fire resistance of reinforced concrete column that is exposed to fire from two sides. Calculation of the temperatures has been made depending on whether the heat flow within the reinforced concrete column is one dimensional or two-dimensional. The temperature of concrete and the temperature of reinforcement are calculated by the Hertz's method. The values of concrete strength and reinforcement, as well as the width of the damage zone of concrete during a certain period of exposure to fire have been calculated. Resistance to the effects of fire on reinforced concrete column has been calculated by the zone method. The time of the resistance of column to the effects of fire has been determined according to the moment capacity of reinforced concrete column.
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