Testing of Detection Characteristics of the Passive Infrared Motion Detectors
Andrej Veľas
Transactions of the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Safety Engineering Series |
2013, Volume 8, Issue 1, Pages 35-41
Doi: 10.35182/tses-2013-0001
The article contains a methodology of testing and experimentally acquired particular values of parameters of passive infrared detectors, which are useful in evaluation of the contemporary new technical systems of objects protection and designing of these systems. Detector parameters are indicated in the producer technical documentation and they have to comply with the standards (norms). Their testing is realized by certified testing laboratories. A testing is realized only on the probationary test sample and the true parameters of the sold detectors may be different from those that are given. This fact is confirmed by the results of the measurements, which are given in this article. The measured values are useful as baseline data for the tools for evaluation of measures the physical protection objects.
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