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Integrated Risk Management in Industries from the Standpoint of Safety and Security

Hans-Jürgen Bischoff, Juraj Sinay, Slavomíra Vargová
Transactions of the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Safety Engineering Series
2014, Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 1-7
Doi: 10.2478/tvsbses-2014-0005
Manufacturing plants as well as robotic cells within their structures are complex systems, whose safety requires implementation of a wide ranging set of activities. These activities are mainly focused on risk minimization, with the aim of achieving acceptable levels of risk by means of appropriate measures. The human being, as a constituent of the man-machine-environment system, is in the centre of their attention. At the organizational level, risk management has to be integrated with strategic planning and managerial processes in the organization. This includes, inter alia, the need to effectively monitor and review the risk management processes. Comprehensive approach within the risk management process is based on interconnecting safety and security-related processes in the form of a generic approach.
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