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Use of a Laser Scanning System for Professional Preparation and Scene Assessment of Fire Rescue Units

Zdeněk Marek, Miroslava Nejtková
Transactions of the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Safety Engineering Series
2017, Volume 12, Issue 1, Pages 51-60
Doi: 10.1515/tvsbses-2017-0007
The paper presents results of a study focused on usability of a 3D laser scanning system by fire rescue units during emergencies, respectively during preparations for inspection and tactical exercises. The fi rst part of the study focuses on an applicability of a 3D scanner in relation to an accurate evaluation of a fi re scene through digitization and creation of virtual walk-through of the fire scene. The second part deals with detailed documentation of access road to the place of intervention, including a simulation of the fire vehicle arrival.
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