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„Practical Experience“ Related to Crisis Communication During the Oil and Oil Products Shortage

Lukáš Harazin, Oldřich Krulík, Oldřich Luža, Zuzana Krulíková
Transactions of the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Safety Engineering Series
2018, Volume 13, Issue 1, Pages 37-45
Doi: 10.2478/tvsbses-2018-0006
"Oil security (not just oil shortages, but many other possible scenarios) are challenges for society, businesses, or government authorities. The public sphere is in a diffi cult situation: positive and proactive communication can cause a panic reaction to the public. The same pays for the strategy based on the „relativisation“ of the situation. Based on examples of different „strategies“ in this respect, the authors attempt to summarize their steps to illustrate the „least-bad“ attitude towards this challenge. Individual states are under different conditions, regulatory systems are also different, and the same can be said about the nature of the respective nation."
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